I’m Malia

Erotic Embodiment Coach

Malia Moore is a Tantric Practitioner, Kemetic Healer, Sensual Yoga Guide, and Erotic Alchemist. She’s devoted her life to being a forever student of all things sensuality, sexuality, and liberated embodiment of self. Her passion, curiosity, and devotion to sexual liberation is the fuel and inspiration behind House of Healing, and serves as the safe space for sexual exploration that Malia has always needed for herself. 

She’s helped hundreds of womxn transform their relationship with eroticism and blossom into powerful beings who revel in pleasure, in and out of the bedroom. She’s also facilitated several trauma-informed experiences to help the collective break through their lifelong barriers of shame, abuse, pain, and toxic patterns. She believes  that there’s power in pleasure and every womxn deserves a safe space blossom into their ideal selves and fully tap into their innate erotic nature.

erotic alchemist

tantric practitioner

Conscious Canna Activist

Learn About House of healing

a space where pleasure and play create cosmic expansion

As someone who’s passionate about the power of eroticism, I created House of Healing to provide a safe space where pleasure and play is alchemized for conscious expansion. Sexuality is a touchy subject in our society, and because of that, many of us are unaware of the of the power, healing, and expansion that occurs when one becomes liberated in eroticism.

Sexual energy is the most powerful energy we posses as human beings. It’s a force that cultivates and gives life to all things. It’s a healing energy that can dismantle ones pain, and create space to for more fruitful and abundant experiences. It’s also an energy that most people that never experienced in its fullest capacity. I’m here to bridge the gap between disembodied sexuality and liberated erotic embodiment, that’s authentic, cosmic, and filled with pleasure.

I believe that everyone deserves to feel confident in their sexuality, connected to their bodies, and capable of experiencing pleasure and bliss, in all areas of life.

And this space was created to be the first step towards sexual liberation.

House of Healing provides everything from 1:1 coaching, self-paced healing resources, live events, and a video on-demand library for private community members. No matter where you are on your journey, I’m confident this space has exactly what you need to deepen your relationship with self, others, and eroticism.

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