Lumerian Lights Herbal Ritual Blend


for those cultivating heaven on earth

Come home to self and experience oneness with this unique herbal smoke blend. Lumerian Lights is handcrafted to align you with your deepest truths and desires in order to evoke a sense of heaven on Earth in your life. This is the perfect blend for shadow work, deep introspection, and brainstorming as it contains organic herbs that aid in quieting the mind and centering the body, while allowing your higher self and the universe to speak to you. This blend holds a special place in my heart, because it has helped me cultivate my dream life with the help of my Lumerian guides. I’ve been working with this blend for over a year, and I’m honored to share it with the collective. Enjoy!

Product Info

Ingredients + Benefits

Mullein Leaf: has a long history of use for so many lung benefits. Gentle and non-toxic, it’s great for reducing anxiety due to its relaxing effects. Its light and airy taste make it a great tobacco substitution and base for smoke blends.

Patchouli: is valued for its grounding properties, aiding in establishing a deep connection with the earth and surroundings, promoting stability and security. It’s believed to balance energies and align with the root chakra, fostering stability and groundedness. The herb’s earthy aroma supports relaxation, meditation, and introspection, while its cleansing scent is thought to clear negative energies. Patchouli is also associated with connecting to nature, emotional healing, enhancing intuition, and encouraging self-acceptance.

Blue vervain: a calming herb, has gained attention for potential benefits including relaxation, stress relief, mild sedation, and support for sleep. It  aides in emotional well-being and offers respiratory comfort through its soothing smoke. Blue vervain’s use extends to rituals and ceremonies, aiding focus, and facilitating introspection and altered states of consciousness in spiritual practices.

Calendula: is widely known as the “sunshine flower” which promotes positivity and high radiant energy. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to relax the muscles. When smoked, it promotes calmness and soothes your worries. It has a slight floral taste which makes it the perfect ingredient for this blend.

Jasmine: a sweet fragrant flower that enhances the effects of cannabis. Has aphrodisiac properties which increase arousal. Known for its delicate blossoms and enchanting fragrance, smoking jasmine offers a range of potential benefits that elevate your sensory experience.

Red Lotus: known as the sacred lily, red lotus is known to have a calming effect on the mind and body and aides in anxiety relief. Experience a heightened state of relaxation, introspection, tranquility, and inner exploration.

 * All Sales Final. Herbs & information provided is not meant to treat or diagnose any disease or ailment. Please seek medical attention if needed & always research consuming herbs. Natural herbs are amazing with endless benefits. But many contain natural high medicinal properties, which may be toxic to pets, small children & women who are pregnant or nursing.

Ways to Indulge

Blends can be smoked on their own, or added to your favorite smokable herbs as an enhancement. They can also be steeped as a holistic tea, or added to a hot bath for healing self-care.


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